I was learning to play pipes for almost three years when I decided to start with percussion, teached by drum master Manuel Cordero. He is a superb traditional percusionist who can play a huge variety of instruments; although I was focusing in drumming, he gave me lessons of tambourine, spoons, and some other instruments I can’t translate to english but you can see in the pictures around this text. After some years we started with the snare, and becouse of that I am currently a Noega pipe band drummer.
Arsenio Ruiz relieved Cordero in the annoying task of being my master a couple of years ago.
I want to mention some partners here. Let’s start with brother-band
Llariegu, wich we called to help Noega in our trip to 2010 Lorient Festival. We performed as a single band in some scenarios and as two independent bands in others; a great moment being the
percussion solo they wanted to play in the drumming contest: they kindly offered us to play along them. I performed as a traditional drummer.
Also, my friends at
Sambre must be mentioned in my web. They asked me to help with a drum background in one theme of their CD ‘na solombra’, edited by Algamar in 2009.